LuAnn C. Collins, Ph.D.

You're in a big transition.
What do you do next?
We'll look at where you are,
where you want to go,
make a plan,
and get you there.
Hey There,
I'm LuAnn.
I work with men and women who have experienced loss and are ready to take action toward recovery, and with women who want to overcome their limiting beliefs, tap into their innate power and take bold action towards their most ambitious goals and dreams.

Grief Recovery Method® Life Transition Coaching
Move Out of Your Pain
Move Into Your Plan
Grief may be a universal human experience,
but your grief is your own...
If you found yourself here, there is a high probability that you are, or someone you love is suffering from a broken heart.
What was your loss?
A death, divorce, estrangement,
An illness, diagnosis, surgery,
children leaving home, the loss of a pet,
a move, career transition, retirement?
You might feel sad, distracted, confused, even angry.
You are not alone. Grief may be universal,
But your grief is your own...
.......and every loss is felt 100%.
Grief recovery is possible when you have the right tools--The Grief Recovery Method®.
Let me share the Grief Recovery Method®
with you.
Learn more. Free consultation.
Transitions may be a natural part of life,
but your next step may be unknown...
If you found yourself here, there is a high probability that you are wanting to create a life unique to you, your vision, your values, your purpose.
What do you need?
Tools for discovering your next steps,
Support in creating your plan,
Encouragement and accountability in moving forward.
You might feel afraid, overwhelmed, curious, even excited.
Don't go alone.
Let's do this together,
step by step...
from where you are to where YOU want to go,
your best life.
Let's create your life transition plan together.

What is Grief Recovery?
Grief Recovery dispels the myths that surround the natural, normal process of recovering from a loss. The Grief Recovery Method ® gives you the tools and the support to move through the healing process and recover from grief; however large or small; whether recent or in childhood; from death, divorce, job change, move, abuse, neglect or any of the 40 identified types of loss. You can meet one-on-one with me or in a facilitated group and always conveniently on-line. With the tools you learn through The Grief Recovery Method®, you will get back your life and your laugh.